Adult Ministry

Adult Ministry

 " Laughter is Contagious" ....We need more of it! 

Our adult group is part of the church's core ministry. We focus on making friends and growing relationships

Spirit Life Church's Adult Ministry meets the 2nd Thursday night of the month  at 6 p.m. for a potluck dinner and game night- and a time for prayer, encouragement, fellowship, and fun!

Most of these adults are seasoned Christians who can help build your faith. 

If you are interested in joining us, or want more information, please email

Our adults enjoyed a road trip to the Old Cookstove Restaurant recently. They had a delicious buffet of Amish home-cooked food including homemade desserts and ice cream! Everyone who attended had a great time. 

Adults of all ages are invited.  No children please since there is no nursery or childcare provided. 

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